Chess Board
[ECO code C21] Do not scroll the screen..! Move Move Move Move Move Move Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here
(to) Kieseritzky Variation

Black's KP captured White's QP in the centre.
White develops his King's Knight to attack Black's newly doubled QP and support 4.P-K5. A popular move, although one drawback is that Black can immediately transpose into the Scotch Game or a Petroff line. W-Alt.
	White	Black
 1.	P-K4	P-K4
 2.	P-Q4	PxP
 3.	Kt-KB3

BLACK to Move or Undo or Jump or Clear
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Chess Board

BLACK moves to QB4 (c5) with:

Bishop (f8) or Pawn (c7) ?

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Chess Board

BLACK moves to KB3 (f6) with:

Queen (d8) or Knight (g8) ?

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