Chess Board
[ECO code C06] Move Move Here
FRENCH DEFENCE - Closed Tarrasch Var.
The Botvinnik Variation

White's QBPawn push out to QB3(c3) defended his supportive queen's pawn under attack.
Black's QKtPawn push out to QKt3(b6) frees his bad QB for exchange by 7..B-R3, 8.BxB..KtxB. B-Alt.
    White  Black	White  Black
 1. P-K4   P-K3	     6.	P-QB3  P-QKt3
 2. P-Q4   P-Q4
 3. Kt-Q2  Kt-KB3
 4. P-K5   KKt-Q2
 5. B-Q3   P-QB4

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