Chess Board
[ECO code E97] Move Move Here
CLASSICAL K.I.D. - Aronin-Taimanov Var.
The Taimanov Var. (aka. Bayonet Attack)

Black moved his endangered knight from QB3(c6) to K2(e7), taking the popular Normal line.
White advances his QKtPawn to QKt4(b4). Less popular than 9.Kt-Q2 or 9.Kt-K1. W-Alt.
    White  Black	White  Black
 1. P-Q4   Kt-KB3    6.	B-K2   P-K4
 2. P-QB4  P-KKt3    7.	0-0    Kt-B3
 3. Kt-QB3 B-Kt2     8.	P-Q5   QKt-K2
 4. P-K4   P-Q3	     9.	P-QKt4
 5. Kt-B3  0-0

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