Chess Board
[ECO code C23]
Game: Legall-St Brie, Paris 1750
The King forced to K2(e7) allows White's QB3(c3) Kt to mate. Demonstrated by Legall de Kermeur (Philidor's teacher) against Saint-Brie in Paris, 1750. This, his only recorded game, has become a famous prototype for checkmate from a queen sacrifice, as shown in Philidor's Def., the Vienna Gambit and in the Scotch for example. Anim.
    White  Black     4. Kt-B3  P-KKt3?!
 1. P-K4   P-K4	     5.	KtxP!  BxQ??
 2. B-B4   P-Q3	     6.	BxP ch K-K2 fcd
 3. Kt-KB3 B-Kt5?!   7.	Kt-Q5 mate

Checkmate: Undo or Jump or Mates or Clear